Sleep Hygiene Tips: Self-care in Stripe & Stare
Sleep hygiene. Sounds a bit strange - right?
No, we’re not insinuating that you are heading up to bed unshowered and a big grotty. Sleep hygiene is all about the health of your sleep, and the variables that can affect it. In most cases, these are variables you can control and aim to improve with a new bedtime routine. Feeling lost with how to get back on track? We’re here to lend a helping hand.
Sleep can be hit and miss for some people. Some either sleep like a rock as soon as their head hits the pillow. Others have a more complex relationship with it. That’s not to say it’s always going to be this way, there is light at the end of the tunnel! Sleep patterns can fluctuate due to work stress and life changes. Stress affects us in many ways, and sleep can be one of them.
Catching Zzz's
>So let’s get into the nitty gritty. Maybe it takes you a while to actually fall asleep or maybe you are waking up during the night and tossing and turning. You may even find yourself longing for a long kip in the afternoon as a lack of sleep the previous night has left you feeling groggy. If this sounds like you, it may be time to think about your night time routine. We’re here to help break down some factors that can improve your sleep hygiene. Take it from us, we’re a team who love a good night's sleep in our Stripe & Stare pajamas.

What's your night time regime?
Let’s kick off with our bedtime routine. It’s been proven that forming good habits is a central part of health, and prioritising sleep is an important part of this. (sleep foundation) This can start with going to bed at a consistent time each night, and waking up at a similar time each morning. Your body becomes familiar with this routine and will respond to triggers that indicate it’s time for bed. For example, slipping into your Stripe & Stare pajamas and brushing your teeth. You can set up bedtime reminders and a set schedule on your Apple Health app if you have an Iphone. This is a great option for those looking for a helping hand.
You may be thinking… I won’t put on my pajamas and magically feel ready to go to bed. You’re right, there's a whole ‘wind-down process’ to help your body prepare for the night. Here are some ideas to get your body into a state of relaxation.
Run a nice bubble bath with candles.
Practice yoga
Listen to some calming music
Reading (this is our favorite activity here at Stripe & Stare, we have many staff book worms if you are looking for recommendations!)

This can be a great way to pick up a new hobby that you’ve never had time for. Not only will you be looking after yourself, you can add something new to your personal resume.
Your bedroom situ, let's talk.
There’s another important component that contributes to your sleep hygiene, and that’s your environment. Your bedroom should be cool, quiet and dark according to headspace.
Make sure your bedroom is cosy and inviting, so you want to head up to catch some Zzz’s. Keep away from bright lights as they can hinder the production of melatonin, a hormone that the body creates to facilitate sleep. (sleep foundation)
One thing is for sure, your relaxation routine should not include your phone, tablet or laptop. Anything that is mentally stimulating will keep you awake. The generation of blue light may also decrease melatonin production.
Let’s talk about temperature for a moment (room and body). It’s best to keep your bedroom on the cooler side for your bedtime routine. Our body temperature decreases when we fall asleep, so having the room slightly chillier before you sleep will send you on your way - around 16-18 degrees celsius to be precise! There’s no point wrapping yourself up in fuzzy PJ’s made for a freezing cold snap… you are asking to wake up in a confused sweat (we’ve all been there.)
Cloud-soft pajamas
>This is Stripe & Stare’s time to shine. We specialise in pyjamas that keep you cool all night long. Our TENCEL™ modal fibres are extremely breathable, light-weight and softer than clouds. TENCEL™ Modal fibres naturally manage the transportation of moisture, enhancing fabrics by keeping your skin feeling pleasantly comfortable. Derived from natural material, the sub-structure of modal fibres is structured to regulate the absorption and release of moisture. This contributes to breathable fabrics that support the body’s natural temperature regulating properties, creating a refreshingly cooling sensation on your skin. Read more about our fabric here.

That's a wrap! Time for bed...
Remember, sleep hygiene is a best practice guide, if you are concerned about your sleep levels, it’s best to consult with your doctor. They’ll be able to provide the best, tailored advice.
There you have it, sleep hygiene can be achieved in small, simple steps and is a journey, not a race. Self-care in Stripe & Stare is a great place to start, so why not invest in some light-weight pajamas made from trees! Shop the collection now.